I Promessi coni

Come può essere raccontato un cono da gelato? ...leggi gli elaborati »

Ice Party

  • Crema di yogurt alla frutta
    Che la bella stagione abbia inizio!   ... continua »

IWBLabs project

Ali d'Oro is partner of IWBLabs.

The IWBLabs (Internationalization of Work Based Learning in the Agri-Business Sector) project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnership in the field of VET Education. The project has been written and coordinated by Pixel in cooperation with the project applicant and scientific coordinator Fondazione ITS Agroalimentare based in Teramo (Italy). This project aims to develop methods and tools for work based learning addressed to post-secondary VET students in the field of Agri-business.

Site: http://iwblabs.pixel-online.org
